Working Groups

It is planned to set up working groups to focus on various aspects of the developments. As these groups are set up, more information will be posted here. Working Group Updates:


Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm

photo by Jasper Carlberg

The Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) offshore wind farm will be located 15.5 km off the Fife coast and covers an area of approximately 105 km2. EDF Renewables UK acquired the project in May 2018 as part of a competitive bidding process. The project has the potential to generate 450MW of renewable energy, which is enough…


Berwick Bank – Additional Information Submitted by SSE

The deadline for comments should be early September 2023 – to be confirmed. SSE has submitted further information in respect of the onshore planning application (23/000162/PPM) regarding the proposed Berwick Bank Wind Farm. This further information has been submitted in the form of an Addendum to the EIA Report and an update to the Non…


East Lothian Energy Infrastructure Projects

The next 10 years will see an unprecedented number of critical National Energy Infrastructure projects constructed in East Lothian, both on and offshore. Plans are already under way for the Berwick Bank Wind Farm, Branxton Battery Energy Storage, North Belton Battery Energy Storage, Crystal Rig IV onshore Windfarm, Crystal Rig solar farm, Capping off and…
