Berwick Bank – Additional Information Submitted by SSE


The deadline for comments should be early September 2023 – to be confirmed.

SSE has submitted further information in respect of the onshore planning application (23/000162/PPM) regarding the proposed Berwick Bank Wind Farm.

This further information has been submitted in the form of an Addendum to the EIA Report and an update to the Non Technical Summary. The EIA Report Addendum has been prepared primarily to address a request made by East Lothian Council (ELC) to formally assess the Proposed Development alongside the Branxton Battery Energy Storage Scheme (BESS). The Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) covers potential for cumulative impacts between the schemes and compliments the information already provided within the EIA. The Addendum also includes other information clarifying matters in respect of habitat loss and mitigation and minor updates to the flood risk assessment undertaken for the Proposed Development.

The information is available to view on SSE’s Berwick Bank website (Planning & Consent — Berwick Bank)

and through the Councils Planning Portal (23/00162/PPM) “Planning permission in principle for electricity transmission infrastructure (substation or converter station) and associated development including buried cabling | Land Between Skateraw And Branxton East Lothian”

If you have any further queries or questions please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Gary Donlin
Head of Offshore Stakeholder Engagement, GB