East Lothian Infrastructure – Traffic Management Meeting

Wind Turbine Blades

Meeting @ Innerwick Village Hall

Thursday 27th July @ 6.30pm

This is a meeting about TRAFFIC:

A working group meeting to pull together all our thoughts and ideas on what we need to communicate to the various infrastructure project developers on how they work/behave on our roads whilst ‘visiting’ our area.

It is documented that there will be a significant increase in traffic on our roads, both main trunk and narrow country lanes. The developers acknowledge the impact from HGV’s, noise and dust will be severe.

All welcome for this initial meeting before we make a smaller working group.

Please come along and give us your ideas!

We would appreciate an idea of those intending to attend so please email if you plan to attend: email East Lothian Winds of Change

Contact Details:

Contact us for more information and to be added to the distribution list for news updates.

email East Lothian Winds of Change

facebook https://www.facebook.com

Categorised as ELWOC, News